Raiden X's Fanfics
Quotes Gallore


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Welcome to my snappy Quote treasurebox!
I shall post all the good stuff that I find (to my standard) here!

I do not own any of these quotes. Some of these quotes are from people I don't know so therefore there will be some quotes that will have no author. If you do know anything about these quotes that I should know, Email me at:

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"I have something to say, so spread this around. Hate crimes have gone up 50-65% in America alone and that is un-fucking-acceptable. So remember to punish the GUILTY and NOT the inoccent people of America!"
-Slipknot, 10.31.01 at the Pledge Of Alligeance tour.
"In death there is justice, and that is where you shall find me."
"Si non confectus, non reficiat."
(Everything worked out in the end, if you just let them happen.)
"Veni, vidi, vici." (I came, I saw, I conquered.)
-Julius Caesar

"Veni, vermini, vomui." (I came, I got ratted, I threw up.)

"Visi, veneri, vamoosi."
(I visited, I caught an embarrasing dissease, I ran away.)
"If you can't break it, then where's the fun in that?"
"Sh*t happens."
-Forrest Gump
"I you don't believe in Santa Claus, then the sun won't come up tommorrow. A flaming ball of gas will shine on the Earth instead."
"I exist for the athropic belief that I exist for the sole purpose of existing to believe in that athropic belief. I believe in that, so it must be true. Any questions?"